Refund Policy

Our goal is to provide the highest quality training to all our students. We hope that every student can attend a full course and take advantage of everything we offer. However, we understand that circumstances may arise where you need to withdraw from a course or miss certain classes.

Given that our programs are usually limited to 6, 8, or 10 students, and we operate in very expensive studios, last-minute cancellations can be challenging. Our entire budget goes towards paying for teachers, studio time, editing, and more.

That's why we ask for at least 7 days' notice if you wish to withdraw from a program, so we have time to fill your spot. We always strive to provide a refund in such cases, but like most ticketed events, we need to find someone to take your place. If we can't find a replacement within that time, as long as you have still given us 7 days notice, we can make a plan of moving forward either with a refund, credit, or alternative training option.

Within 7 days of the course commencement date, we cannot guarantee a refund, and no refunds can be given after the course has run, unless you are unhappy with the program and feel it did not meet your expectations. If you feel the course was not what you offered and you are unsatisfied with the program we offer a full money back guarantee.